Wednesday, June 06, 2007


We don’t know what it takes to Love or Live

May be we will always live in Darkness and Ignorance
Our lives are divided into slots and
We are living a normal life by shuffling between these slots,
We learn a particular way of living from the people around us and just follow it
We never ask questions as we have no one to answer to then.
And to avoid answering these questions we keep  distracting ourselves

But while shuffling in between these slots we feel an un-fulfilled void , as if we are cheating ourselves or simply escaping

Busyness wont do any good to our soul, but definitely make us feel less useless

Fears, loneliness, desperation starts residing in our hearts and slowly conquer bigger parts of our soul

How much hard we try to hide from others, 
we are always naked in front of our own soul.
And this is the most painful part of life , 
you can escape from world but not from yourself


AJ said...

I think of you as my partner, whenever i ll get a chance to travel and explore world..hehe..

About this post: well you started off very well and also ended fine; but some how i feel, you lost the rythm in between while describing ur timetable(Java, books, etc stuff)... U r a good writer so ur standards are pretty high in my eyes, dont maintain it, polish it and striker harder every time u pen down sumthng.

Bonne Writing.

dreamcatcher said...

do u think there could be other fillers apart from just book's and work
if yes do u feel awkward pursuing them
i ask this cause i relate to most of the thing u have said

mahant said...

Thoughtful poem. Good questions raised. Most people do not come to this stage till much later in life. Why we work, we love and live can be answered a myriad ways, I think it is best to understand in a mechanical way and then put soul to the answer.

Nainish said...

I guess life has to be lived in slots. Pure compartmentalization may not be possible but then it is necessary to experience to the fullest,the very nature of life. Even shakespare poetically scripted the seven ages...

And my god, why should one want to run away from one's ownself. That people do is indicative of how limited an existence we seek. As they say - hedonism. No matter what perceptions around us may be the very fact that we are naked infront of our own souls isn't the sad partand very surely not a tragedy either.... perhaps the realization of this is heartening as it is a humble acceptance of the inadequacies that i as a human being may have ......

I need to leave madam ...... It was a nice reading.

Prakalp Agarwal said...

Hey Shally, I have been admirer of your writing always... and in all your works (you may call them blogs) i have experienced the same common feeling...
well to your latest blog... i would just say life is beautiful when the proportion stands perfect... there is no running from it... its good to know WHY... but the WHY should lead to some fulfillment.. life won't be meaningless... even if you don't get the answer to WHY... at least you tried searching ...
So all my wishes...
Happy writing...

baavriviti said...

I just started reading your blog. Really good stuff. Especially this poem has a lot of interesting ideas.
I guess everyone deals with this loneliness and restlessness once in a while, I did too. But it was just a phase for me, it came as quickly as it went away!
I do hope you get your peace of mind soon enough :)
great writing..
keep it up!

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We are only here briefly, and in this moment I want to allow myself joy