Monday, January 15, 2007

Unfulfilled dream is always beautiful remarkable and close than a fulfilled one

Out of sheer boredom and lack of quality work, I have decided to dedicate my time to my favorite hobby.
I just love it ----
I have several times read and realized that every one of us is wholly and solely made for one dedicated activity,
For some it may be their hobby, for some it is their profession, for some there passion, for some dream, for some unexplored activity and for rest negligence.
Life is meant to live
Live it the way you want.Some people say dreams mean a lot
Others write about people who have always chased dreams , won them and then set some more until one day they realize that their life is not moving any where ,
I have read some where “Life is a journey"
Slowly and clearly I have started realizing the true meaning of this statement.
Yes life is a journey.
Birth, teenage, job, marriage, kids, old age
All of them are small stop overs,
At none of these stages we settle down, we are made to crawl, walk or run. But we are not meant to be stable - stagnant or dormant.

What if a person achieves everything he has dreamt of?
Every dam thing.
Happiness and satisfaction just fade away,
They are momentary.
Remember “success is counted sweetest for those who never succeed”, " to comprehend a nectar requires sourest need"

Never stop dreaming, but an unfulfilled dream is always beautiful remarkable and close than a fulfilled one

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We are only here briefly, and in this moment I want to allow myself joy